Strategic Management


Strategic Planning is a management tool that allows us to determine what to do and the path we must follow to achieve the goals set, considering the changes in the environment.

Thus, Strategic Planning is an exercise of formulation and establishment of objectives and must be integral, flexible, and dynamic.

The strategic planning process is proposed for a five-year scenario and is reviewed and approved annually by the Board of Directors. Its development is a task for the entire organization, and consists in the following stages:

GECELCA’s Strategic Plan was designed by a multidisciplinary and representative team, made up of employees from all departments and different backgrounds, in order to conduct a comprehensive and plural exercise.

It is our objectives that give life to the strategic direction and challenge us to achieve the proposed goals.

By 2024, GECELCA has strengthened its strategy, adopting a sustainability structure, in order to respond to the dynamics of the energy sector, the fair energy transition and the challenges of sustainable development. The above, focusing its strategy on the management of its material affairs and the contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals, in order to achieve strategic direction with a comprehensive vision, which generates value for its interest groups, in a competitive manner.

To achieve our vision of having a diversified energy portfolio of 1,500 MW by 2035, framed in a path of carbon neutrality, we defined the following strategic objectives in the 2024-2028 horizon:


For GECELCA, Integrated Risk Management (IRM) is of vital importance to leverage the achievement of objectives, the creation and protection of value, and improve organizational performance.

The scope of the activities carried out in integrated risk management for Gecelca S.A. E.S.P covers strategic, key and support processes. This system allows the interaction of strategic and process risks with the organization’s objectives.

The methodological framework used for Integrated Risk Management at Gecelca S.A. E.S.P is based on the NTC ISO 31000 of 2018, which establishes the following phases:

From the application of the risk management process, we have defined a map where we identify the risks to which we are exposed, which is reviewed periodically, in order to keep it updated and in accordance with the changes that may occur in the internal and external contexts of the organization.
Additionally, both the update and the methodology used are presented to the Audit Committee for its knowledge, review, and follow-up.

We present our risk map:

Dentro de las principales medidas adoptadas se encuentran:

For each of the identified risks, we have defined treatment measures, among initiatives aligned with the Strategic Plan, which are permanently monitored, in order to verify their execution and determine their effectiveness.


The main objectives of GECELCA’s Business Continuity Management System are:

  • Protect life, assets and the environment in a context of interruption of normal processes of the organization.
  • Ensure business continuity in scenarios of interruption of processes
  • Strengthen the trust, reputation and value of GECELCA with respect to its clients, collaborators, regulators and actors in the energy market.

To achieve this, a governance structure is in place to respond to an outage event, ensuring responsibility, authority and competence to handle an incident.

Consequently, we have defined a policy, where GECELCA undertakes to develop, implement, supply resources, maintain and continuously improve the Business Continuity Management System that allows it to protect life, communities and the environment, mitigate existing and future business interruption risks, as well as reasonably ensuring the conditions for the recovery of the operation of critical processes, in the event of a business continuity incident and complying with the legal and regulatory requirements of the company in this matter.

  • Identificación de recursos requeridos por cada uno de los procesos críticos, con el fin de identificar el impacto de una posible interrupción.
  • Análisis de impacto estratégico mediante la definición de criterios estratégicos basados en la planeación estratégica.
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  • Identificación de posibles riesgos que puedan ocasionar interrupciones.
  • Identificación y priorización de estrategias y controles a implementar en materia de disponibilidad.
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  • Establecer con base en los recursos identificados, las posibles estrategias de recuperación, evaluándolas de manera cuantitativa y cualitativa.
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  • Establecimiento de un marco de gobierno y una estructura organizacional que asigne responsabilidades antes, durante y después del posible evento de interrupción.
  • Diseño de la política de continuidad del negocio.
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  • Capacitación en la norma ISO 22301 y gestión del conocimiento a lo largo de la implementación de las iniciativas para implantar una cultura de continuidad de negocios en la organización.
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  • Coordinación de pruebas a los planes definidos, acorde con el marco que provee la norma ISO22301.
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  • Documentación de acciones requeridas para activar las estrategias de continuidad.
    Construcción de planes de operación.

    Construcción de planes de operaciones.

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  • Identificación de recursos requeridos por cada uno de los procesos críticos, con el fin de identificar el impacto de una posible interrupción.
  • Análisis de impacto estratégico mediante la definición de criterios estratégicos basados en la planeación estratégica.
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  • Identificación de posibles riesgos que puedan ocasionar interrupciones.
  • Identificación y priorización de estrategias y controles a implementar en materia de disponibilidad.
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  • Establecer con base en los recursos identificados, las posibles estrategias de recuperación, evaluándolas de manera cuantitativa y cualitativa.
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  • Establecimiento de un marco de gobierno y una estructura organizacional que asigne responsabilidades antes, durante y después del posible evento de interrupción.
  • Diseño de la política de continuidad del negocio.
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  • Capacitación en la norma ISO 22301 y gestión del conocimiento a lo largo de la implementación de las iniciativas para implantar una cultura de continuidad de negocios en la organización.
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  • Coordinación de pruebas a los planes definidos, acorde con el marco que provee la norma ISO22301.
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  • Documentación de acciones requeridas para activar las estrategias de continuidad.
    Construcción de planes de operación.

    Construcción de planes de operaciones.

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Learn about our Integrated Management Report prepared and verified under GRI standards by ICONTEC.

This report consolidates the results of our management during the year framed within the three dimensions of sustainability: Economic, Environmental and Social.