
GECELCA owns, operates, and maintains four thermal generation units, two in the TERMOGUAJIRA Power Plant, with a capacity of 290 (MW), and two in the GECELCA 3 Power Plant, with a capacity of 434 (MW), for a total installed capacity of 724 megawatts.

GECECELA has a 42.5% shareholding interest in the company
TERMOBARRANQUILLA S.A E.S.P., owner of the TEBSA Power Plant, with a capacity of 911 MW.


Located in the municipality of Mingueo, in the Department of Guajira, it has two units with a net capacity of 145 MW each one.


  • The power plant uses coal as the main fuel for its operation and natural gas as secondary fuel and support for the start-up of the units.
  • It has a Distributed Control System (DCS) to monitor the safe and reliable operation of the units.


Located in the municipality of Puerto Libertador, department of Córdoba, it has two units with a net capacity of 164 MW and 270 MW.


  • GECELCA 3 is the first power plant in Colombia to use fluidized-bed boilers, which allows using a natural resource such as non-exportable coal from the department of Córdoba, encouraging the sustainable and formal development of the mining industry.  
  • Fluidized-bed boilers have the advantage of reducing sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions.  
  • The units have an online remote monitoring system to track the processes from inside and outside the plant.